Ever heard of a love story of college friends who got married nine years later? We have one for you! Nevish and Joyce met at a college retreat in their first year of college and sparks started flying then and there! While their nine years of romance included a lot of long distance, their love only bloomed in those years. They picked Goa for their destination wedding as they wanted it to be one big party! They wanted everyone who came to their wedding to chill, relax and just enjoy.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!They kept the theme rustic as possible with dream catchers, hand painted bottles, floral buntings, mandala table covers and much more! While their outfits were selected by them individually, the most unique thing were their wedding rings which had Arabic calligraphy inscriptions on it as they both are born and brought up in Dubai and Saudi. Such a beautiful ode! We were so glad to be a part of this wedding and now, we’ll make you experience it too through our photography…
Apr 8, 2023